Monday, February 28, 2011

Framing, Painting, and Sheetrock

Mike Johnson's crew continues to frame the new entryway.

Meanwhile, inside, the painter covered the pews with plastic to get ready to paint the newly installed sprinkler pipes.

While all that was taking place, Kerry and Korey Kern were prepping the ceiling of the second level of the addition for sheetrock.

Volunteering On a Saturday

Matt Glewwe removes boards from one of the walls in the Narthex. The boards will be saved and reused elsewhere.

Once Matt pulls the boards off the wall, Darren Glewwe moves them to a storage location.

Kyle Factor contributes by supervising.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 65

The Overflow Room will unfortunately be unusable for Sunday Service this week. The room is currently filled with pipes and tools for the new sprinkler system.

A view of the interior of the new link.

The same view, except taken from the other end of the link, through the missing wall of the pastor's office.

Mike Johnson's crew has begun framing the new main entryway.

Ray Glewwe removes one of the coat racks from the narthex.

Day 63

Removing snow from the roof of the new link.

Once the snow is removed, tar paper goes down.

Installing a beam to take the load that used to be supported by the outside wall of the pastor's study.

Shoring up the ceiling of the theater room to support some of the weight as work continues.

Monday, February 21, 2011


The weekend brought 12 inches of new snow with it, so not much work was taking place outside on Monday morning.

The sprinkler crew continued to install the new sprinkler system on Monday morning. Here a worker is drilling a big hole through a wall in one of the nursery rooms. Pipes will run down the nursery hallway and sprinklers will be installed on the walls of each nursery and preschool room.

The pipes and equipment for the sprinkler system that will be installed in the sanctuary.

Workers install pipe for the sprinkler system at the very top of the sanctuary ceiling.

Some pews had to be removed so the lift could be properly positioned.

The black pipe running diagonally through the picture is the main pipe that will feed the sprinkler system in the sanctuary.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Working on a Wednesday

Workers continue to tear out the exterior wall of the pastor's office.

And now the wall has been completely removed.

Mike Johnson continues his work of framing the new link that will connect the addition to the existing building.

Bill Heinemann installs ventilation chutes that will allow cool air to circulate beneath the roof of the new addition. During the winter, this will help prevent snow from melting and re-freezing, keeping ice dams to a minimum.

This is the door that leads from the Fellowship Hall and used to lead down a flight of steps on the western exterior of the existing building. Now it's actually an inside door, located in the stairwell of the new addition, although it doesn't go anywhere!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 57

Here you can see the work that was done yesterday to remove the windows and part of the wall from the pastor's study...

The framing for the new link continues...

The stairs are coming along nicely...

The southern side of the addition on day 57...

Insulation for the new addition arrives and is ready to be installed...


Work continues on the link between the existing building and the addition. Mike Johnson and crew continue framing, while other works cut through one of the exterior walls of the pastor's study.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pour the Floor

The floor of the addition was poured on the coldest day of the year: -13 degrees. Here the ground is prepared for the concrete.

The finishing touches being applied to the newly poured concrete.


The stairwell between the existing building and the new addition begin to take shape.

And framing begins on the new link.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Hole in the Floor

Crews finished cutting through the concrete floor in the music office this morning to make way for the new lift.

Here's some footage of the actual cutting. You may want to turn the volume down on your computer...

The finished job.

View up into the Music Office from the basement through the newly cut hole.

The future location of the lift on the basement level.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 50

Today marks the 50th day of construction on the Century 2.2 Project, and things are coming along well. Here you can see the progress on the second story of the new addition.

Another view of the upper level.

This is where workers cut into the floor in the nursery wing hallway in order to access sewer lines.


Lots of concrete is flying. A hard hat is a good idea if you're going to be around the church during the week.

Makeshift signs like this appear in places throughout the church where demolition work needs to be done.

Cutting through the concrete blocks to prepare the area for the new lift.

Taking a break.

Here you can see into the Music Office, the floor of the office, and then into the storage closet in the basement. The new lift will provide access to the basement level and the Fireside Room and Sanctuary platform.

After the section of wall was removed, the hole was boarded up to make sure nobody falls through.

The tile below the carpet in the Music Office was asbestos based, so some precautions are being taken.